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Trident Strategy Group a strategic communication and public relations Firm with a focus on public affairs, governmental affairs, and political consulting.
Trident Strategy Group’s expert staff and proven track record have shown the ability to customize and design specific curtailed plans that have continuously meet the goals of each client. This has been achieved through extensive research and collaboration leading to measurable results.
Trident Strategy Group prides itself on its massive community outreach with has led to considerable community connections allowing for clients to have access to the resources available throughout the community. These collaborations include but are not limited to federal, state, and local government, criminal justice, public safety, local non-profit organizations, fraternity and sorority organizations, and the private sector.
Trident Strategy Group’s mission is geared toward ensuring that each client’s goal is executed with care and pression from beginning to end. With a main goal of being there every step of the way for each client from interviews, to being in front of news stories and news cycles to preparing you for your victory speech! Our expertise in the Political, educational, governmental, non-profit, and private sector have yielded vast results which is at the disposal of each of our clients. Our successful clients have a diverse range of needs from Urban development, Youth development, Social Network, Minority Businesses and business owners, Minority Organizations, and socially conscious organizations. Providing strong strategies that work within a variety of budget structures is a solid business model that we follow.
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Strategic Communications & Public Relations
Public Affairs & Governmental Affairs
Political Consulting
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Our Latest News & Events
INTRODUCTIONS: Meet Moncello Stewart, An entrepreneur and activist sowing seeds in Savannah
Connect with Moncello and the Greater Savannah Black Chamber of Commerce
The Sigma Education Foundation Awards Area Students Scholarships
The Sigma Education Foundation and the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Tau Beta Sigma Chapter, awarded local students with scholarships in honor of a living legend in Savannah, Dr. J. Alphonso Dandy, the first Black Optometrist of Savannah, Georgia. A...
The “Blue-Collar Chapter” of Phi Beta Sigma Strikes Again!
2022 Phi Beta Sigma Conference Attendees L to R: JaDon Whipple, Deion Williams, Keron Herndon, Kelvin Bryant, Eric McBeth, Fred Scott-Fields, Derek Mallow, Moncello Stewart, Ramondo Stewart, John Long Jr., Patrick Wright, Antonio Solomon, Brian Dawsey, Terreance...
Smith Announces Campaign at Liberty City Community Center!
Trident Strategy Group is proud of Paul Smith and the announcement of his campaign for the Fifth District Board Member of the Savannah Chatham County Public School System.
Paul E. Smith to Formally Announce Election Run for Board of Education Fifth District on Monday, February 28, 2022
Native Savannahian, Paul E Smith will be announcing his candidacy to become the new Fifth District Board Member of the Savannah Chatham County Public School System on Monday, February 28, 2022, at the Liberty City Community Center. Paul is a product of the Savannah...
Moncello Stewart: Savannah’s Community Groups Rise Above COVID-19 Challenges
Savannah’s Black Chamber of Commerce celebrates Black businesses with a gala
Nonprofit profits nonprofits
New initiative, OneSeed, Inc. distributes grants to smaller nonprofits
Municipal Judge Richard Sanders Announces Campaign To Become Recorder’s Court Judge